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Northern River Running 2-Day Course

One Day of skills training and coaching at Palmer Rapids and a one day river trip down the Lower Madawaska's 10 Class 2-3 rapids to get you fully prepared and confident for your Northern River Adventure!

Quick Details

Join us for a day of quality paddling skills and techniques practice and coaching and a guided day trip down the Lower Mad before your next Northern adventure!  If you are a client with Canoe North Adventures, please mention so at time of booking.

Rates are Per Person


CA$ 465

Paddler Co-op Northern River Running Preparation 2-Day Course

Are you planning a Northern whitewater river canoe trip and want to get some practice and coaching in beforehand? Our Northern River Running 2-Day course is the best way to refresh your paddling skills, improve your technique with coaching and feedback over the two days, and prepare for paddling more continuous, higher volume Northern Rivers.

Join us for a comprehensive day of whitewater canoe strokes, maneuvers and technique refinement with our certified expert instructors at Palmer Rapids, followed by a day-long river trip down the Lower Mad to put it all into practice in a river running setting.

On the river trip your guide will cover the strategies used for running rapids on northern rivers, safety and scouting, and build on the skills from day one on 10 new class 2-3 rapids. You’ll have the chance to experience as close as possible what it’s like to be on a guided trip, where you’ll be putting into practice the different river running techniques and skills from day 1.

Continued coaching, feedback, tips and tricks throughout the two days will have you leaving the course with a strong understanding of your current abilities and comfort zone, improved technique, new tips and tricks and a sense of confidence and comfort in your abilities – so you can leave your paddling worries behind and enjoy your big trip even more!

If you are a client of Canoe North Adventures this summer, please mention it at the time of booking.


Perfect For:

  • Beginner paddlers or groups looking to get training and improve your whitewater canoeing skills before a Northern River whitewater trip
  • “Park n Play” paddlers hoping to expand your knowledge into multi-day trips (with a goal of northern river tripping, specifically – going on a trip in Ontario/Southern Canada? check out our River Running Review Course instead
  • Intermediate paddlers looking to freshen up current river running strategies & industry safety practices and get more hands-on paddling practice and coaching in
  • Canoe North Adventure clients looking to prepare for your summer trip and understand what’s expected of you on your guided trip this summer (skills and strategies)

What will I learn?

  • In depth lesson and review of whitewater canoe strokes and maneuvers – with professional coaching and feedback throughout to bring your paddling to the next level of efficiency and comfort
  • Review, reinforce and expansion on catching eddies, front ferries and using river features
  • Strategies for river running & group travel on Northern whitewater river trips – where the flow is continuous and staying together is essential
  • Review, reinforce and expand on industry standard safety and self-rescue practices in the event of a capsize or swamped boat
  • Understanding of paddler dynamics, communication and coordination in a tandem canoe for efficient paddling
  • The chance to put the above skills into practice on 10 different sets of class 2-3 rapids down the scenic and remote Lower Madawaska River
  • Where your current comfort zone lies and what skills you need to focus on to bring your paddling to the next level of confidence and competence
  • What your Canoe North Adventures guides will expect of you as a client on the river trip
  • How to maximize the fun on your next adventure!


  • Day 1: Safety briefing, equipment outfitting, in-depth stroke review and coaching, tandem canoe maneuvers, catching eddies, front ferries, communication and paddler dynamics discussion, self rescue and swimming skills, workshop on river hydrology, scouting and choosing/making your line – at Palmer Rapids (Class 2-3)
  • Day 2: River trip (12 km) down the Lower Madawaska. Your guide will expand on day 1 content, encourage you to go beyond your comfort zone in a safe and supported manner, and uncover the strategies and techniques needed to run a river with confidence and style over the 10 different class 2-3 rapids you’ll paddle. With more coaching, feedback and tailored instruction throughout the day, you’ll get to the bottom of the river a stronger, more confident and competent paddler than when you arrived the day before. End the day with a recap and Q&A session to tie up any loose ends and look forward to your big trip with confidence!

How to prepare and make the most of your two day prep course: 

  • Review and recall any notes or details you have from your past whitewater paddling trips and experiences
  • Try and get on the water (even if it’s lake paddling) at your local spot at least once before the clinic, so you can build some strength and familiarity with strokes, etc. prior to the course
  • Be prepared for a packed day – it’s a lot of information in a relatively short amount of time! Have a hearty lunch, water, and warm layers packed with you
  • If you have a drysuit or 2/3mm (or thicker) wetsuit, bring it! We’ll be in the water and the river is chilly in spring. we also have “tank top” style wetsuits available for rent – best paired with a base layer and good fleece (and paddling jacket/dry top if you have it!)
  • Consider setting 2 or 3 main goals or outcomes for the clinic, before you arrive. Your instructor will provide an opportunity for sharing goals at the safety briefing and will do their best to tailor the course to the group’s unique needs.
  • Get ready to have fun! You will be in safe hands of a certified and professional whitewater canoe instructor. They will encourage you to share any concerns before getting on the water so the risks can be understood and professionally managed, and you can focus on improving your skills and enjoying the magic of whitewater during your clinic.
  • Questions? Give us a call! We’ll be happy to help answer them and make sure this is the right course for you: 613-758-2772 or



Call to book! A booking fee applies when you book online.